
Blog del narco videos fuertes de mujeres
Blog del narco videos fuertes de mujeres

blog del narco videos fuertes de mujeres

The blogger said, "for the scanty details that they mass media put on television, they get grenades thrown at them and their reporters kidnapped. The author of the blog said that he is doing a service by publishing sensitive details about the Mexican Drug War that journalist organizations in Mexico are hesitant to publish for fear of retaliation. When he conducted an interview with the Associated Presshe used a disguised telephone number. In Mexico, many traditional journalistic outlets have been threatened and harassed due to stories about the drug trafficking industry they dared publish, so anonymous blogs like Blog del Narco have taken the role of reporting on events related to the drug war. Some of the videos posted on the website show incidents of murder and torture. In Mayit was revealed that one of the authors of the blog was a woman in her early 20s who goes by the pseudonym "Lucy. As a result of the video, the prison warden was arrested.

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Ina video posted on the blog outlined a prison warden's system of letting prisoners free at night so they could commit murders for drug cartels. The creators and current editors of the blog "have not received any threats yet. They chose YouTube to upload videos to the web and comment as infonarco on Twitter. They decided to broadcast their content without alteration or modifications of convenience-and help Mexicans take all necessary precautions to protect their own well-being. To deal with the increased workload, he asked a friend, also anonymous, to help him. The author would initially spend four hours every day working on the website. Es el segundo antagonista de Manhunt y tiene una motosierra como arma.Blog del Narco Narco's Blog is a blog that attempted to document the violent incidents and characters involved in the Mexican Drug War that never made it to government reports or the mainstream media.Īn anonymous person created the website because the Government of Mexico was not reporting the violence and was trying to pretend that "nothing happening", the media was "intimidated" and the "government had apparently been bought. Lo custodian cuatro hombres embozados de negro. Decapitados de Guadalajara, ajenos al narco. Decapitan a miembros del cartel de Sinaloa con una motosierra. VIDEO: Narcos le cortan los dedos a un hombre y lo decapitan Los Narco Carteles atacan de nuevo, esta vez no solo decapitan a un desafortunado sujeto sino que antes le cortan los dedos uno por uno con. Video fuerte donde los Zetas Interrogan y luego decapitan zetas decapitan narco elblogdelnarco cartel interrogan donde luego colaborador cdg drug fuerte mexican zeta mexico texas. Visite nuestro sitio web Sin embargo, son perseguidos por el asesino, quien ataca a Franklin con una motosierra y lo mata.Ĭonsolas y Videojuegos.

blog del narco videos fuertes de mujeres

La otra persona presenta una herida en la espalda en forma de zeta. Fuerte donde el CDG decapitan a mujer de los Zetas.Īprendo en casa ofrece experiencias de aprendizaje, herramientas y recursos educativos orientados a favorecer los aprendizajes. Mujer decapitada frente a su a un hombre y lo.

blog del narco videos fuertes de mujeres

Narcos le cortan los dedos le cortan la cabeza a narco con sierra. Unos cuantos hombres armados murmuraron "Allahu Akbar" Dios es grande.ĭecapitan a miembros del cartel en Veracruz. Uno de ellos es decapitado con una motosierra, y el otro con un cuchillo de caza. EFE El Cairo 21 abr.ĭelincuentes desmiembran y decapitan a un joven en los Valles del Tuy. Piggsy es un personaje de la Saga Manhunt. Decapitan y arrancan huellas dactilares a hombre embolsado y abandonado en Bosques de las Lomas.

Blog del narco videos fuertes de mujeres