Recently, we have noticed electronics projects integrated with 3D printed enclosures, brackets, and sculptures, so each Thursday we celebrate and highlight these bold pioneers!
#123d design premium free
If you’re thinking about learning some CAD for 3D Printing, now is a great time! Special thanks goes out to 123D Design team from Autodesk for making kick ass free CAD software!Įvery Thursday is #3dthursday here at Adafruit! The DIY 3D printing community has passion and dedication for making solid objects from digital models.
#123d design premium update
Overall it’s a great update and we really recommend upgrading if you’re already a user.
You also can’t apply construct operations to imported meshes. The best uses of this feature could be for anyone who is looking to make remixes/fixes/customizations/upgrades to STL models like scanned data. It also gives you a ability to apply basic combine operations like merge, subtract and intersect to solids and other meshes. Tinkercad did this really well and now 123D Design can too. Importing STL is also very welcomed feature that we feel was probably the most requested feature. You can’t apply construct operations to extruded SVGs which is a bummer but expected from a new feature. Doesn’t seem like there’s an option (yet) to set the height of an extruded object when importing as an object. Importing SVG option is available in either a Sketch or Solid. It did an OK job at importing our Adafruit font, but crapped out on our icon. In our tests, the feature worked best on simple paths. This is great for making solids from outline sketches made from a vector drawling app like Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape. The biggest feature update is SVG import. Toggling on/off groups when snapping is a time saver and turning the grid off allows you to project sketches from irregular surfaces. Hover over the bottom right to quickly change snapping increments and measuring units. Features that might get overlooked that seem minor are actually handy in use. Objects have a nice lime green outline when its selected, making it more distinct. Things did not move around, it’s mostly a graphical refresh, which looks very sharp and clean. Our first impressions with the UI redesign are really good.